Darkroom workshop

On the 21st of January (Saturday) starting at 12:00 there will be a workshop held by Axel Hedlund. Axel is responsible for our darkroom since a few months back and has been doing a lot to clean up and get our darkroom functional since he took the role. Axel appreciate to know how many will

Board members wanted for 2023

The year is coming to an end, and so is our fiscal year (which ends on last of December). We are planning for an annual meeting in December where we will elect the board for Linslusen 2023. We who are in the current board have a responsibility to find members for the next board and

Fotomässan 2022

The board of Linslusen is planning to visit the event Fotomässan in Stockholm this year on December 3rd. This event is mostly about photography gear. If you also want to go there and want to travel with us, then here we present our schedule. You will need to book your ticket for Fotomässan, get train/bus

Basic photography course

On 16th of October (Sunday) we will hold a basic photography course in our fika room at Rydsvägen 246A in Linköping. The course will start at 15:00 and we estimate that it shouldn’t take more than 2 hours. This event will be mostly theoretical, but it can be handy to bring your camera of choice

Linslusen is back after summer!

Linslusen is back and we’ve got plenty planned before Christmas! We’re planning to hold some classes, we’ve planned photo walks, we’ve planned studio intros and more! A lot of our activites will be on Sundays, some on Saturdays and on rare occasions it might be during other times of the week. There are a few